Nick from Goats on the Road speaks to us about what it’s like to run a successful travel blog and what it took to get there. He and Dariece started the blog together after they had been backpacking through Asia for a little over a year. They decided that they didn’t want their traveling to end.
A new kind of journey begins
Unfortunately, money was running low, so they needed to do something to keep their new nomadic lifestyle. They found jobs teaching English in China. On the side, they began writing blog posts and learning how to use WordPress. It was slow in the beginning. There was a lot to learn, and quite a few mistakes, but they kept chipping away at it and kept working on it.
A lot of advice
In fact, that’s Nick’s biggest piece of advice – find a way to persevere and don’t give up even when things are slow.
He also recommends diversifying, which is something he has done with the additional websites, Your Irish Adventure and Into Fly-fishing. That way, if one area begins to do worse, you still have the others to act as a life raft.
It seems that he knows what he is talking about. After all, it was travel and financial advice that made Goats on the Road such a popular success. One of the biggest topics has been about teaching English online and overseas, so it’s only natural that there is also a section of the blog dedicated to discussing TEFL courses.
How to get there
These days, thanks to the coronavirus, the focus of the site is less on travel and more on how to work remotely. It’s an area with a lot of interest, and Goats on the Road are happy to help out.
There is a lot more of that useful advice in the video interview above. Don’t forget to check it out!